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Summer 2018 Bucket List

I love lists. I make lists for everything. If I get to check a box or cross it off I'm so much more motivated to do it and I dont forget about it haha. One thing me and my best friend do to keep us adventuring and having fun is to make a bucket list for every season, so when we say we are bored we have a list of ideas that we can check off!! This summer is our last before our friends go on LDS missions or to college so we are already accomplishing some of our list!! Here is the start of our summer bucket list, if you have more ideas leave a comment on my Instagram !!

Campfire at Antelope Island (or any camp ground with fire pits!)

Drive in movie

Outdoor movie (set up a projector and bring lots of bug spray!)

Ensign Peak hike (I've been wanting to do this hike for so long. We finally did it this week and it was beautiful. Definitely recommend going at sunset!)

Lake day (pack a picnic, rent paddle boards, bring a fishing pole or just swim and enjoy the cold water on a hot day!)


Snow cones

Go out to breakfast (or brunch if you're like me and need ya sleep;))

Photoshoot (you dont need a fancy camera or brand new outfit. Just go take some fun pictures and over post them on every social media platform like me;))

State fair (state fairs and county fairs happen all summer, they can be super fun and inexpensive! Rodeos at state fairs are also super fun!)

Road trip (it doesnt have to be far or somewhere over night. Get in a car and drive somewhere new!)

Fire in mountains

Baseball game

Pool party

Explore SLC (this was one of the things I included and did from my recent post 25+ free/cheap things to do in Northern Utah , it was so fun we want to go again!)


Our list isn't big or fancy but they are things that are fun and we can accomplish! If you ever feel like summer ends and all you did was watch every season of Gilmore Girls (guilty) try making a bucket list and see how much more you will do!! If you check anything off my bucket list let me know on Instagram !!


Tylie Sue

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