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how to do Disneyland cheap(er)

If you've followed me for more than 2 seconds you know I'm just a little bit Disneyland obsessed;) my pass expires in July and so I figured why not fit in 2 more trips before then;) now Disney is not cheap but memories are worth more than money (especially if that money is for college textbooks;)) today I'm sharing how I'm paying for my senior trip to Disney for cheap (at least as cheap as Disney gets haha)


-flying vs driving

Decide what will be cheaper, flying or driving. With our trip we found that flying would end up costing us less than driving. We took into account gas, possibly staying over night at the half way mark, and even having to take two cars for our group. When it comes to flying also take notice of cost to check bags, rental car/Uber etc. Make sure to take into account ALL variables attached and that apply to you INCLUDING TIME because you just might find that the plane ticket isn't much more expensive!


One of my most important tips is to be flexible with dates! This was essential for my trip considering most of the cost was going to be flying down. By moving our trip just one day later, we were able to save tons of money on our tickets and put it towards staying an extra day in California! One obvious but super effective tip is to fly on weekdays. Tickets were $100's cheaper to fly out on Tuesday vs Sunday. 


When it comes to flying, checking a bag can end up costing a lot. We love to fly Southwest because you can check up to 2 bags per person free. (check southwest's website for details and updates) If it costs to check a bag, pack smart and use only a carry on. This can end up saving a ton of money and you may find you don't need to pack as much as you think!

I've only flown a couple times so if you have more tips for me comment them on my Instagram.



For my senior trip we are going to Disneyland for 2 days. We considered getting the Hopper which is about $50 more but ultimately decided that one complete day in each park would work for us and we didn't need to spend the extra money. Know your goals for your days in the park and decide if the Hopper is worth it to you.

-disney fastpass app

Since we didn't get the Hopper we are looking into the Disney Fastpass app. This app is $10 per day and allows you to get fastpasses on your phone any where in the park. Because we are only spending one day in each park, I think it is worth the money since it will save so much time walking back and forth. I wouldn't recommend this if you are staying longer than a couple days or are going as a family since it will add up quickly. 


ALWAYS ALWAYS have a fast pass!! You don't need the app to get a fast pass you just have to get a paper ticket at the machines located near the ride. My biggest tip to getting on the most rides is ALWAYS having a fast pass!!


Disney food can be expensive and add up quickly. One thing we always do is bring in our own soda! If you rent a car run to the grocery store real quick and pick up bottles of soda and water. By buying your own drinks you can save so much money!


One way to save money is bring food into the park. You can do this by bringing food in for meals or just bringing snacks! Just like with drinks I like to bring snacks such as granola bars, fruit snacks, candy etc. into the park to eat in between meals. I have a lot of food related hacks for Disney, leave a comment on my  Instagram  if you want a separate post all about it!


Souvenirs dont have to break the bank! A free and super fun and memorable souvenir from Disney is the button pins! Just ask a Disney cast member and they will tell you where you can get one. You can get pins for your birthday, anniversary, first time visiting, GRADUATION and so much more! 


We always purchase gift cards from Sam's Club before hand. Not only do you pay a few dollars less than what you get, you can also earn store rewards. This is also a good way to watch what you spend. Budget how much you want to spend and buy that much in gift cards. Once it is gone, its gone!


My last tip is simple, go with friends!! I'm going with 6 friends. That means the cost of our room, Uber, etc, is split between 7 people!! This helped cut costs the most and made it affordable enough for all of us broke almost college:") kids to go to Disneyland!! 

These are all my tips for now, but you already know I have so many more up my sleeve!! Make sure to follow me on Instagram so you don't miss out on any tips!! I hope these tips help and that you can realize Disney is a possibility for anyone!! Thanks for reading!!


Tylie Sue

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