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disneyland + christmas

IF YOU THINK DISNEYLAND CAN'T GET ANYMORE MAGICAL GO AT CHRISTMAS BECAUSE IT DOES!! IT SNOWED GUYS. IN CALIFORNIA. okay not utah snow but BETTER like christmas cinnamon sugar bubble snow. I CAN'T.  So to stop overwhelming my instagram followers i thought i'd post them all here so my homies that love disney as much as me can appreciate them (plus i'm loosing followers quicker than my math grade is dropping ;)) 

mainstreet i didn't think you could get cuter but here you are all decorated for christmas and CUTER. 

 ps. those ornaments are the size of basketballs. basketballs.

 if that was cute, just wait for the lights...

 I chose eating the Dolewhip over the aesthetic picture and i'm not even mad.


This was definitely my favtorite part of this trip. It was beautiful and so bright!

 cheesin' because it's my 18th birthday and i'm at disneyland whatttt best day.

 Can't forget to give a shout out to my home boy, California Adventure. Cars land was incredible but i didn't take pictures (oops) so imagine cars land with lights EVERYWHERE and christmas trees made out of tires, pretty cooool.

the cutest christmas treats 

 and of course i had to take the most basic churro picture

 if you made it to the end you should reward yourself with a trip to disneyland because you definitely deserve it after scrolling for miles ;) I'm so grateful for the fun time i got to have with my family and the fact that i was only failing a couple classes when i came back ;)

thanks for reading


Tylie Sue

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